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Hospice Nurse Job Description

Speak with medical providers/discharge planners on new referrals.

Open and assess new patients.

Speak with patient’s doctor about symptom control, ie: nausea, constipation, diarrhea, pain.

Provide patients doctors with reports on patient’s status and needs.

Review patient’s medications.

Assess patient’s environment for adaptive equipment needs, i.e.: Toilet raisers, hospital beds, ramps.

Assess for pain control, skin integrity, oxygen saturation, nutritional status.

Assess wounds and devise a plan for wound care.

Obtain and review past and current reports of tests, treatments, and diagnosis, and review with patients/family as desired by the patient/family.

Maintain supply of wound care products and basic patient care supplies.

Maintain oxygen testing and oxygen delivery equipment, sending for servicing when required.

Order updated reference books (Nursing drug book, palliative care) as needed.

Help create, oversee and train patient’s Circle of Care in personal care.

Offer emotional support and practical problem solving to people who walk in, or phone in, looking for help.

Attend weekly team meetings.

Change furnace filters every 3 months, reprogram thermostat as needed.

Assist in maintaining building cleanliness, along with other staff.

Attend board meetings quarterly, and/or provide list of patients being served and deaths since last quarterly meeting (without using patient names).

Job is currently 15 hours per week, with every other week on call.



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